Our Simple Homeschool Rhythm and Routine

It is eight o’clock in the morning and the kids are still not awake.  The clock is ticking and you have a morning meeting/morning basket and math for the first schedule of the school.  Are you concerned that kids would not get enough time for studying?  I was there watching clock and worrying about a list of things that need to be done on that day, and it all changed by setting simple homeschool rhythm or homeschool routine! 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Trust in the Lord who loves us and guides us gently through prayers, through people around us and through all things that we cannot even comprehend.  What does God want for our family, for my kids?  Everything changed when I changed my perspective on our family’s homeschool vision and goals.  Is it finishing the curriculum on time or establishing the relationship with my children that God has intended more important?  Yes, you can be intentional at home to build the relationship with your kids and to teach them to love studying the language, math, history and the creation of God. 

I have witnessed more than once that God pours sparingly like cup that overflows.  Once we are ready and kids are ready, God works miraculous wonders in our daily lives. 

I switched from setting our schedule to rhythm.  Rhythm is a set of block schedule without time restraints.  You know roughly when each subject will end, but if one subject is extended somehow, you can take more time to cover the subject.

Kids thrive on regular rhythm and routines.  They feel relaxed and secure to know what is next.  For kids who like control, they understand that homeschool has a rhythm and know what to expect next.  It gave me a peace of mind that I am not rushed to finish at a certain time.  

Without a rhythm and routine, kids become anxious and worried and decide to rather play around and test mom’s limit.  My Mango Sorbet is an expert in testing limits and was notorious in our previous school.  After many months of struggle, the consistency of the rhythm finally paid off.  Even if it may be hard in the beginning, it will be all worth it and eventually, you will be able to taste the joy of finding the best teaching moments.

Our Summer Homeschool Routine

Even during summer, our family follow certain rhythm.  I would select three subjects that I want to focus on but do not follow a certain curriculum during summer. Literature can be simply reading and writing a summary of the book and a short one-page report on the character, setting and plot.  Math can be simple as working on Dreambox. Dreambox is something that we have used in our previous school, and kids love them.  Kids regard them as fun.  Dream intelligently adapts to each child’s level and provide parent data to assess kids’ learning.  We decided to replace it for Math because our girls begged me. 

Then, I choose one subject like Social Study or Science.  These are not as long as regular school days, but kids enjoy being exposed to new books and learn. 

In some days, we would simply have our morning meeting and do our reading and enjoy outside time. 

There are many days and weeks that we are in Vacation Bible School or Sports Camp during the summer, so we will be out and about.  Great ways to enjoy summer is also going camping or going to the beach or lake.  Who doesn’t like to enjoy camping and explore outdoors?

Our Homeschool Rhythm and Routine

Here is how our homeschool rhythm looks like during regular homeschool days.  Hope it can help you plan out your day. 


Prayer, Praise, Bible Study, Bible memorization, poetry, and history/geography recitation

We also watch 10-minute news from Worldwatch.news, news written by Christian journalists.  Kids can get exposed to up-to-date news without having to filter each news.  Get your first month charge free with our coupon: inspiringhomeschooler.  

We take time to do our chores like organizing shoes, loading washing machine, and putting dishes away. Kids have already chosen their chores for the week on Sunday night when we sit down together to share our prayer topics and pray together.  Check why chores are one of our priorities in our homeschool through my article, “Why are Chores Important?”

After the break, our kids work on their English and Math.  I teach a lesson and they work on their independent work.  If kids do not finish all of their English and Math, they continue after lunch. 


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