Are you new to homeschooling or already overwhelmed by all the curriculums, different style of learners, and homeschool methods?  Are you worried that kids will be missing any of schooling or worried that you will not be enough? Here are basics of how to homeschool your kids for success! 

Do Not Worry

Do not worry but know that God who understands all things will help you if you ask in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.  The good part of this passage is that, then, peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  I hope that though it might be a bumpy ride, you can hold onto God’s promise that “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28).
             Do not be anxious about anything, but
                in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving 
          let your requests be made known to God. 
             And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding
            will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7 

Furthermore, “the Spirit will help us in our weakness and the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words when we pray and call out to Him” (Romans 8:26).

Knowing God will Guide and Equip You

Second is that God has entrusted you with your beautiful children.  As the Lord disciplines the one he loves, He has given us the ability to discipline our kids as well.  Each child is unique and wonderful, but he/she may be different from you in terms of his or her personality. 

I am an introvert and one of my child is an extravert who loves to challenge limits, to persuade and to negotiate.  I am generally accepting the terms of others, trying to understand and changing myself to the demands of others.  When we have just moved and started homeschool, my son, Sweet Captain, would not sit still but test all kinds of boundaries, first trying to bother his sisters or make all kinds of noise, speaking without raising hands, disrupting every other second.  So you can see how this journey is not an easy one for me, but I continue to pray that God gives me wisdom, insight and ability to set clear rules, rewards and consequences for each behavior.

When I was working in school, I have seen new teachers who struggled in classroom management and tenure teachers who are so amazing in their classroom management that they were able to teach the kids so well because they used positive reinforcements and rewards, and clearly communicated the consequences to the kids.  It is hard to transition from being new teacher to teachers who have taught 20 years or more, but if we keep going and pray to the Lord to help us, I know that we will soon become amazing teachers for our kids as well.

Starting Homeschooling
Train up a child in the way he should go; 
  even when he is old he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6 ESV 
Then, I came across two books that gave me peace and a whole new perspective to homeschooling.  They are Teaching From Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace by Sarah Mackenzie and The Call of the Wild + Free by Ainsley Arment.
“The Call of the Wild + Free” taught me how to set up rhymes and routines.  Podcasts from Pam Barnhill gave me so much encouragement that other homeschool moms were also struggling the same as I was.  
I started to listen to podcasts from Sarah Mackenzie, Read Aloud Revival, and from Pam Barnhills, Your Morning Basket.  Each podcast gave me new inspirations on my homeschool journey. 

Set up Vision Statement for your Homeschool

One of important topic that I came across from listening to Pam Barnhill is defining/writing down your vision statement in your homeschooling.  What do you want to see in your kids when they become independent?  By homeschooling your kids, you can identify what you want to teach your kids.  I have listed some of vision statements that I have come up with for our children. 

Raise Kids to Know God and Develop Biblical Characters

First of all, I wanted to make sure I can bring up my child to know God’s Word, to follow Christ-like Biblical character, and to have Christian worldview in our society.  How wonderful would it be if your child will be able to hold Christ-like characters as their characters and practice them throughout their lives and in their family!
Raise Kids to Know God and Develop Biblical Characters

Teach Them Life Skills by Practicing with Chores

One thing homeschool parents emphasize are life skills, in other words, chores. Teaching them these life skills to clean up after themselves, to fold their clothes, to do their own dishes, and even to help others like throwing away the trash or something simple like arranging shoes. 

When I was working in school, I would attend teen retreat and notice that boys would not do their own laundry, just pile them up for a week. Sometimes, they would not even fold or put back their clothes after they wear them.  When we ask them to do certain things, they complaint.  They were simply not taught that it is their responsibility. 

To be honest, I grew up in a family where my mom did all my laundry, cooking and dishes and cleaning around the house, not to mention working full-time.  It could be part of previous generation’s culture in Asia, but it was our family tradition that is somewhat harsh on the mothers. 
What I learned is that I should do everything that I can for my family, instead teaching others how to do them.  And teaching them or allocating is something that I would be reluctant.  It took several years to start allocating things to our family members, and I feel so relieved that it was actually not my responsibility to do everything and that my responsibility is teach others to do their role as a family member.   
For our family, we have sticker awards, one for their homeschooling, if they didn’t make any trouble, if they have done well one for their chores, one for their routines like brushing their teeth and washing their face, and another for blessing task, if they have helped mom or their siblings. 
When they earn 20, they can choose to go to the Treasure Box and get what they want from it. 

Check out my article, “Why are Chores Important?” for more information.

Instill Love of Learning and Teach them to Be Life-Long Learners

Another important aspect to homeschooling is to instill love of reading and to be life-long learners. 
If you teach them to read this and that and kids do not enjoy them, do you think they will pick up a book and read? Probably not. Books are so important that one book can change your life. 
Instead of choosing one of the books on colonial life which I do wish they can learn, I picked up a book titled, “A Bear Called Paddington” by Michael Bond. And my kids loved it. They anticipate the read aloud time so much, and they talk about what happened to Paddington and how he loves marmalade.  When they hear “expedition”, they say Paddington went on a shopping Expedition, with strong emphasis on “E”.  They are so engaged and were excited to read more. 

Teach them to Love Nature and to Appreciate Things Around Us

Another aspect to homeschool is having an opportunity to explore the nature at least once a week.  I wanted to share a story of Helen Keller.  One day, she was visited by a very good friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and she asked her friend what she had observed.  She replied, ”Nothing in particular.”  Helen Keller, who couldn’t see nor hear, wondered how she went to a walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note.  Helen Keller felt the delicate symmetry of a leaf, pass her hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birth, or the rough shaggy bark of a pine.  To Helen Keller, woods were wonders and amazement beyond measure.  Then, she wrote, “Three Days to See” as her contemplation of the things that she should see if she had the power of sight for just three days!

Beautiful Nature, Field

Coming to think of it, I was the same.  Growing up in big cities until when I was 13, raised in public school, pursuing the goal of getting into a 4 year university and busy working for 20 years or more. I never really realized how beautiful the nature is until I had to teach that to my kids.  

Then, I realized how beautiful are the nature around us is. 

For his invisible attributes, namely,
his eternal power and divine nature,
have been clearly perceived,
ever since the creation of the world, 
in the things that have been made.
So they are without excuse.

God’s handiworks are revealed in every part of the nature that surrounds us.  How beautiful would it be to appreciate the sky, change of seasons, animals, and the oceans.  It would be sad that there was so much to appreciate and our kids didn’t see or merely missed them.

Homeschooling my kids, I and my kids get to enjoy simple walk around the neighborhood, finding lizards, looking at bunnies and looking at different plants and flowers.  My kids just started to raise sunflower and cat grass, anticipating that one day that they will get to own a cat.  They see plants growing and rejoicing at each stages of the plant.

Nature Study, Nature Walk

Explore their Potentials

Last point that I want to focus is giving a lot of opportunities to do what they love or just to explore different things to explore their potentials.  During a course of six months this year, I was so happy that we had opportunities to join a Christian Homeschool Co-op where kids can engage in so many activities that involves Social Studies, Science, and Art.  But also, our Sweetie Captain had opportunity to play soccer, basketball with their friends and dads, and snowboarding and so much more.  Girls are really flourishing in doing their arts and exploring different animals in the petting zoo.  I have recently learned that there are different classes where kids can join to learn STEM, Robotics and woodworking.  In some ways, do not think homeschool would limit your child to learn less but they have so much opportunity to learn so much more.
      Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly
         as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom 
      through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, 
        singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.  Colossians 3:16 NIV
Pray that the message of Christ dwells in you as you teach your children and sing praises to God with thanksgiving for all that he has done for us. 

More resources

2022-2023 Homeschool Curriculum

With clear goal and vision in mind, you are ready to embark on a new journey and here are 2022-2023 homeschool curriculum choices that we’ve made that can help you on the way.  Sarah Mackenzie said, “Curriculum isn’t something we buy. It’s something we teach. Something we embody.. It is the form and content of our children’s learning experiences.” I hope the curriculum choices can help you love your teaching and learning experience with your kids. 


Homeschool Resources
 Here are some of the resources and references that I have made throughout the article.  Sarah Mackenzie from Read Aloud Revival, Pam Barnhill from Your Morning Basket and Ainsley Arment from Wild + Free have helped me so much in changing my perspective in homeschooling and have encouraged me to make one more step and to continue homeschooling.  Hope these resources would be helpful for you as well.