Our first son who just turned two in August started to throw time-busters once again.  It would take twice as long to dress him, leave the house, eat, bath and sleep.  He resists to everything and try every incident a “fun” time for him and make mom exhausted by trying just to change diaper or cloth him.

I have been strict “before” and may have returned to setting no boundaries again. Here are some of the roots of all time-busters according to the Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers.

Looking back, I was away from my son for a business meeting for a few days.  To cope with the first trauma of being away, I may have been easing off on the rules.

I thought I should be better on him, but he is already taking advantage!  Make sure rules are intact because time-busters are neither beneficial for the child nor for the parent. I will try to set clear rules and let him that I am in charge instead of the other way.

Disciplining Trouble Two Time-busters