Best Picture Books About Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to gather and appreciate all that God has done in our lives.  It is also a special time to remember the gratitude the Pilgrims had for bountiful harvest after going through religious persecutions, moving across Atlantic, facing deaths and harsh winter.  I’ve selected best read aloud books for thanksgiving to remember these special moments! Here are 5 best picture books about Thanksgiving that you can read with your child to rediscover the amazing work of God once again. 

Best Books about Thanksgiving

5 Best Picture Books about Thanksgiving

1. Squanto's Journey Book Review

Squanto's Journey: The Story of the First Thanksgiving by Joseph Bruchac

This amazing story of the first Thanksgiving is told by a Native American, Squanto.  When an English ship called the Mayflower landed on the shores inhabited by the Pakanoket, Squanto showed them how to plan, corn, beans, and squash, and how to hunt and fish.  This book beautifully illustrate the story of Squanto.  Squanto is sold as a slave to Spain but has a chance to meet the Creator God and learn the languages that allowed him to speak to the pilgrims later on in his life.  He then comes back to the New England, helped by a monk who showed him the goodness and kindness of God.  Though he has every reason to hate the English, he choose to show kindness to the Pilgrims and to bring peace.  The story of Squanto reminds me of Joseph in the Bible.  Joseph, once sold by his brothers, forgives his brothers and in return, God turns evil into good and saves his family in the midst of deep famine.  Squanto and Native Americans celebrate the first Thanksgiving together with the Pilgrims, praying and giving thanks to the Creator God.  Squanto honors God and says, “Together we might make our home on this land given to us by the Creator of All Things”. This surely are one of five books to read over during thanksgiving break! 

2. The Story of the Mayflower Compact Book Review

The Story of the Mayflower Compact by Norman Richards (Cornerstones of Freedom) ​

The story of Thanksgiving is incomplete without the story of the Mayflower Compact and the reason for celebrating Thanksgiving.  The book tells us the story of William Bradford, the first governor of the Plymouth, and why and how Pilgrims, Separatists, came to America.  Through the Mayflower Compact, Pilgrims establish the American covenant that becomes the foundation of our government, mutually established in the presence of God.  The first founders of America depended themselves in God and relied on Him completely.

Additional Resources and Books about the Mayflower Compact

Here are more resource that you need to know and a must read for every patriot and Christian who believes in our country and its principles.  

3. The Pilgrims of Plimoth Book Review

The Pilgrims of Plimoth by Marcia Sewall​

Written from a first person point of view, Marcia Sewall masterfully recreates the coming of the pilgrims to the New World and describes the lives of their menfolk, womenfolk, children and youngfolk.  All of them gather together for the Sabbath, the Lord’s Day and worship God freely.  They all give thanks for the. Lord for abundant harvest, healthy families and a place of worship freely. 

4. The Pilgrim's First Thanksgiving Book Review

The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving by Ann McGovern​

The Pilgrims’ First Thanksgiving introduces the story of the Pilgrims in simple sentences that are straight forward and easy-to-understand for children.  Though Pilgrims struggled along their journey to the new world, God was with them all along in the midst of hardship and struggles.  The book covers the challenges of the journey on the Mayflower, of the Winter but also hopes of the Spring, the joy of Summer and lastly the glorious Thanksgiving for all that God has led and provided for them.

5. Give Thanks to the Lord Book Review

Give Thanks to the Lord by Karma Wilson​

Give Thanks to the Lord is one of our best picture books about Thanksgiving for kids! Told by a young boy, his family and friends gather together to celebrate all that God has done and has provided.  Family welcomes distant relatives with a cozy house filled with ‘noisy good cheer to apple cider, and delicious smells of roasting turkey and basking pies.’  They gather to say a prayer of thanks for ‘food and fun and family, and all the wonderful things we see.’

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