With avid and unenthusiastic readers at home, Mom is always looking for wholesome and engaging books.  I’ve selected ten favorite Christian fantasy books for tweens (mostly book series) that our kids savored.

Christian Fantasy Book List

The Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic by Jennifer Trafton

From an island life of ordinary, weaving baskets and sweeping floors, ten-year-old Persimmony Smudge’s life takes a complete overturn after discovering a life-changing secret.  Mount Majestic is not a mountain but the belly of a sleeping giant!  Would the sleeping giant wake up by the island’s quarreling inhabitants?  It is up to Persimmoy and her friend Worvil to convince the islanders not to disturb the giant.  This book has clever and whimsical adventures and brings readers on a journey of redemption.

Little Pilgrim's Progress by Helen Taylor

Our kids read Little Pilgrim’s Progress after a long hike. They related to Christian who was carrying a large baggage of burden on his back.  Join the adventure, a journey to the Celestial City. The book is full of suspense and inspiration.

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

The Chronicles of Narnia is a beloved classic fantasy series you won’t want to miss.  Step into the world of Narnia through an old wardrobe and embark on a faith-filled journey with magic, adventure, and great spiritual lessons.  Full-color collector’s edition is available for fun color illustrations. 

The Sugar Creek Gang

The Sugar Creek Gang book series is a classic Christian children’s book series that has been popular for over 70 years.  My Sweet Captain loves encountering a group of young boys like him ganging up to solve mysteries and learned important values such as honesty, loyalty, and faith in God.  It is like going back in time to meet these characters and to learn wisdom from their experiences. There are total 36 books in the series, but any one of them are adventurous.  

The Prince Warriors by Priscilla Shirer

The Prince Warriors is a Christian fantasy book series written by a Christian author and speaker Priscilla Shirer.  Priscilla Shirer is simply amazing!  It keeps you in suspense and really excited throughout the books.  Our family, who moved a lot in recent years, were able to relate to Evan and his family who just moved to the area.  Meet these young warriors who are transported to Ahoratos to fight against the evil enemy and learn important lessons on spiritual warfare. 

The Kingdom Series by Chuck Black

The Kingdom Series is another amazing Christian fantasy book series written by author Chuck Black. The series follows the adventures of a knight named Leinad as he battles against evil forces in the kingdom of Arrethtrae. The books are well-written and engaging, with strong themes of faith, loyalty, and courage.  Sweet Captain who is a reluctant reader asked me again and again to get the next series so that he can continue the story.

The Wingfeather Saga

The Wingfeather Saga is yet another series of faith-based fantasy books written by Christian author Andrew Peterson. The series follows the story of the Igiby family, who live in a world filled with danger and adventure. The Igibys find themselves on a quest to save their world from the evil Gnag the Nameless.

My kids watched the Wingfeather Saga video from Angel.com and asked me to get the next book for a long time.  They finished all of them and were eager to describe to each other what happened to the Igibys! 

The Kingdom Tales Trilogy

The Kingdom Tales Trilogy, written by David and Karen Mains, is a collection of three Christian allegorical stories aimed at children. The books – Tales of the Kingdom, Tales of the Resistance, and Tales of the Restoration – follow the adventures of a group of characters as they face various challenges and learn important lessons about faith and courage. There is one book Kingdom Tales that combine all three in the series. 

The Green Ember series by David and Karen Mains

The Green Ember, written by S.D. Smith, is the first book in a popular Christian fantasy series for kids. The story follows two young rabbits, Heather and Picket, who find themselves caught up in a war against evil forces that threaten their world. The book is well-written and engaging, with a fast-paced plot that keeps readers hooked from beginning to end.

The Wilderking Triology

The Wilderking Trilogy by Jonathan Rogers is a captivating fantasy series that combines elements of adventure, folklore, and faith. Set in a richly imagined world inspired by the legends of King David from the Bible, the series follows the journey of a young shepherd boy named Aidan destined to become the Wilderking.

Three book titles in this series are The Bark of the Bog Owl, The Way of the Wilderking, and The Secret of the Swamp King.

Note that this list is not in a particular order of any sort.  Some books were available in our local library.  Although every single one is good, our kids’ favorites are the Chronicles of Narnia, the Prince Warriors, the Sugar Creek Gang, the Kingdom Series, and the Wingfeather Saga.  I hope you enjoyed our list of Christian fantasy books for tweens and your kids can enjoy them too.

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